Pay in a Sentence 🔊 Prev Word Next Word Definition of Pay to give to a person what is due, as for goods and services Examples of Pay in a sentence Barbara reminded her husband to pay the property tax soon or we will be charged a penalty. 🔊 Most Searched Words (with Video) Voracious: In a Sentence Verbose: In a Sentence Vainglorious: In a Sentence Pseudonym: In a Sentence Propinquity: In a Sentence Orotund: In a Sentence Magnanimous: In a Sentence Inquisitive: In a Sentence Epoch: In a Sentence Aberrant: In a Sentence Apprehensive: In a Sentence Obdurate: In a Sentence Heresy: In a Sentence Gambit: In a Sentence Pneumonia: In a Sentence Otiose: In a Sentence More Facebook Prev Word Next Word