Technic in a Sentence  ðŸ”Š

Definition of Technic

the way a skill or event is presented

Examples of Technic in a sentence

The expert fisherman explained the technic to catching a fish by using a desirable bait and lots of patience.  ðŸ”Š

Winners of the video game contest each described their technic that they used to receive the most points.  ðŸ”Š

A technic for painting a room should include carefully taping the borders of the room first before starting to paint.  ðŸ”Š

Once the new employee figured out her technic for upholstering a chair, she could update any chair perfectly.  ðŸ”Š

The landscaper’s technic for landscaping each client’s yard always included planting perennials so that they would come back each year.  ðŸ”Š

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