Villain in a Sentence  πŸ”Š

Definition of Villain

a character in a story that fights against the hero and does evil things

Examples of Villain in a sentence

Captain Hook was a nasty villain who tried to kidnap Tinkerbell and kill Peter Pan.  πŸ”Š

Trying to get rid of the villain once and for all, Batman captured the evil Joker and sent him to the Arkham Asylum.  πŸ”Š

Snow White is usually seen as a hero, but in the new film she is a wicked villain.  πŸ”Š

Each villain was given his or her own superpower to use when trying to destroy the city.  πŸ”Š

In the series, Flash is the hero who tries to help the citizens while the Reverse Flash is a villain who wants to take down Central City.  πŸ”Š

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