Dubiousness in a Sentence  ðŸ”Š

Definition of Dubiousness

a state of uncertainty or doubt

Examples of Dubiousness in a sentence

The dubiousness of the claims made by the politician was clear to anyone who took the time to read the fine print and do their own research.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the company's financial records raised concerns among investors.  ðŸ”Š

Alice's dubiousness about the reliability of the data was well-founded, as it was later revealed that the sources were unreliable and the methodology was flawed.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the conspiracy theory was obvious to anyone who examined the evidence and applied critical thinking skills, as it was full of holes and inconsistencies.  ðŸ”Š

Ryan's dubiousness about the honesty of the salesmanperson was justified, as it was later discovered that the product was overpriced and of poor quality.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the stranger's claim was evident in the way he hesitated when answering questions.  ðŸ”Š

Tom and Alice's dubiousness about the company's future prospects was shared by many of their colleagues, as the market was volatile and the competition was fierce.  ðŸ”Š

Emma's dubiousness about the credibility of the witness was supported by the inconsistencies in their testimony and the lack of corroborating evidence.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the product's effectiveness was demonstrated in the lack of customer satisfaction.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the reported sightings of the creature was confirmed by the lack of physical evidence.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the politician's promises became apparent as more information was revealed.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the rumor was quickly dispelled by those in the know.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the eyewitness's testimony was exposed during cross-examination.  ðŸ”Š

Emma's dubiousness about the effectiveness of the new product was confirmed by the results of the customer survey, which showed a low level of satisfaction and a high rate of returns.  ðŸ”Š

Alice's dubiousness about the safety of the new medication was reinforced by the warnings and precautions listed on the label, as well as the reports of side effects and adverse reactions.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the alleged cure for cancer was met with skepticism by the scientific community.  ðŸ”Š

Tom's dubiousness about the new policy was evident in the way he raised skeptical questions and expressed concerns during the meeting.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the excuse was obvious to everyone in the room.  ðŸ”Š

The dubiousness of the investment opportunity was clear to those who did their research.  ðŸ”Š

Ryan's dubiousness about the feasibility of the project was vindicated when the cost estimates and time frames proved to be unrealistic and overly optimistic.  ðŸ”Š

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