Marred in a Sentence  πŸ”Š

Definition of Marred

spoiled or damaged

Examples of Marred in a sentence

The rowdy college boys marred the hotel room.  πŸ”Š

When my best friend accused me of flirting with her boyfriend, she marred our relationship to the point we no longer speak.  πŸ”Š

Our honeymoon was marred by the protest that took place outside of our hotel.  πŸ”Š

During the storm, the house was marred by the strong winds.  πŸ”Š

The meeting was marred by the activation of the fire alarm.  πŸ”Š

Because Mary’s first marriage was marred by adultery, she found it hard to not be suspicious of her new husband.  πŸ”Š

Our beach vacation was marred by an unexpected hurricane.  πŸ”Š

Although a screaming baby marred the beginning of Gail’s wedding ceremony, the rest of the wedding went beautifully.  πŸ”Š

Unfortunately last night’s hailstorm marred Lane’s new car.  πŸ”Š

The noisy arrival of my teenage daughter marred my nap.  πŸ”Š

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