Blush in a Sentence  πŸ”Š

Definition of Blush

for a person’s face to redden in color due to awkwardness or shame

Examples of Blush in a sentence

As the teenager’s friends would tease him about his love interest, he would blush with embarrassment.  πŸ”Š

At first, her friends thought she was suffering from a sunburn but then realized she would blush every time her boyfriend would walk by.  πŸ”Š

Looking down at her computer, Karen was trying not to blush when she saw her spring break photographs.  πŸ”Š

When the teacher yelled and criticized the student, he immediately began to blush with frustration.  πŸ”Š

The anchors blush as they report about the different kinds of toilets that are for sale.  πŸ”Š

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