Craving in a Sentence  ðŸ”Š

Definition of Craving

an intense, almost irresistible urge for something.

Examples of Craving in a sentence

After a long day at work, John had a craving for a cold beer.  ðŸ”Š

Samantha couldn't help but indulge in her craving for chocolate cake after dinner.  ðŸ”Š

The pregnant woman had a constant craving for pickles and ice cream.  ðŸ”Š

When I saw the pizza, I immediately felt a strong craving for a slice.  ðŸ”Š

Maria often had cravings for spicy food, especially during her menstrual cycle.  ðŸ”Š

The dieter struggled to resist her cravings for junk food.  ðŸ”Š

Alex's craving for adventure led him to quit his job and travel the world.  ðŸ”Š

The recovering addict struggled with intense cravings for drugs and alcohol.  ðŸ”Š

The warm weather made everyone crave a refreshing ice cream cone.  ðŸ”Š

After years of denying himself sweets, the man finally gave in to his craving for chocolate.  ðŸ”Š

After days of eating healthy, Mary was suddenly overcome with a craving for a greasy slice of pizza.  ðŸ”Š

Despite his best efforts, Tom couldn't shake the craving for chocolate that had been plaguing him all day.  ðŸ”Š

Sarah's pregnancy cravings were so strong that she found herself eating strange combinations of foods.  ðŸ”Š

Emily couldn't understand why she was suddenly craving vegetables, as she normally preferred sweet snacks.  ðŸ”Š

John had been trying to quit smoking for weeks, but the craving for a cigarette was still strong.  ðŸ”Š

After years of being a vegetarian, Lucy found herself craving the taste of meat.  ðŸ”Š

The craving for adventure and excitement had been growing inside of David for months, and he knew he needed a change.  ðŸ”Š

Despite her efforts to eat healthily, Samantha found herself constantly craving junk food.  ðŸ”Š

Emily's sudden craving for spicy food took her by surprise, as she usually preferred mild flavors.  ðŸ”Š

John knew that his craving for alcohol was becoming a problem, but he couldn't seem to stop himself from drinking.  ðŸ”Š

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