Vail in a Sentence  ðŸ”Š

Definition of Vail

to lower an item or oneself as a form of respect, acknowledgment, or mourning

Examples of Vail in a sentence

Citizens vail the flag in mourning when important political figures pass away.  ðŸ”Š

The knight began to vail down on one knee to offer his loyalty and service to the king.  ðŸ”Š

The patriotic man lost respect for anyone who did not vail the flag on Memorial Day to honor those soldiers who died in past wars.  ðŸ”Š

Men should vail their hats before entering a church as a show of respect to the religion and God.  ðŸ”Š

In Game of Thrones, Ned Stark was forced to vail on his knees before Joffrey in exchange for his freedom, but he was beheaded instead.  ðŸ”Š

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