Dissent in a Sentence  🔊

Definition of Dissent

to differ in opinion

Examples of Dissent in a sentence

More than likely, my father will dissent with the idea I am old enough to set my own curfew.  🔊

The union is going to dissent with management’s offer of a small pay increase.  🔊

Why would you choose to dissent something that is completely in your favor?  🔊

It is a teacher’s job to challenge her students and to urge them to dissent against theories that cannot be proven.  🔊

Even though Jane usually agrees with her husband, she had to dissent with him on the subject of selling their summer home.  🔊

The farmers are sure to dissent on the proposed land tax increase.  🔊

When the dictator took over the country, he swore to punish everyone who had dared to dissent with his rule in the past.  🔊

James showed his dissent with the police officer’s request by pulling out his gun and firing.  🔊

Because Amber is usually the teacher’s pet, she shocked everyone when she chose to dissent with the teacher’s evaluation of her essay.  🔊

After being bribed by an important businessman, the politician promised not to dissent on the corporate tax reduction bill.  🔊

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