Slapdash in a Sentence  πŸ”Š

Definition of Slapdash

done quickly without consideration for accuracy

Examples of Slapdash in a sentence

Because I gave my mother very little notice, she had to plan a slapdash wedding ceremony for me.  πŸ”Š

We ran out of time and had to use a slapdash solution that failed to fix the problem.  πŸ”Š

If you continue to take a slapdash approach when completing your tests, you will fail the class.  πŸ”Š

After the first plumber did a slapdash job on our pipes, we had to call in a second repairman.  πŸ”Š

The student’s slapdash presentation looked like it had been put together on the school bus.  πŸ”Š

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