Asinine in a Sentence  πŸ”Š

Definition of Asinine

very stupid or foolish

Examples of Asinine in a sentence

How asinine of you to pay for a television in pennies!  πŸ”Š

Your mom may like it, but I will not tolerate your asinine behavior.  πŸ”Š

Out of all the asinine stunts you have pulled before, wearing a swim suit in the snow tops the list.  πŸ”Š

Allowing your children to smoke cigarettes is completely and utterly asinine.  πŸ”Š

Instead of kindly holding the door open for Joyce, you chose to be asinine by slamming it.  πŸ”Š

I will need you to apologize for your asinine remarks.  πŸ”Š

Your asinine attempt of lying in court is going to cost you big time!  πŸ”Š

Chris would exhibit his asinine behavior by throwing garbage at the protestors.  πŸ”Š

This asinine person had the nerve to cut me in line.  πŸ”Š

As asinine as you are with the customers, how do you still have a job here?  πŸ”Š

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